
Passive voice - present simple and past simple

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  • 2) My birthday cake ____________ (make) yesterday.
    was made
  • 4) Meetings __________ (hold) at weekends.
    are held
  • He bought a brand new Ferrari.
    A brand new Ferrari was bought .
  • 5) Some phones ___________ (produce) in Europe.
    are produced
  • His dog broke the vase yesterday.
    The vase was broken by his dog yesterday.
  • 1) The puppies __________ (feed) always at the same time.
    are fed
  • 6) World War II ___________ (end) in May 1945.
    was ended
  • My sister makes amazing cookies.
    Amazing cookies are made by my sister.
  • They finished the exams last Monday.
    The exams were finished last Monday.
  • Celine Dion sings "Tell him".
    Tell him is sung by Celine Dion.
  • Old women usually sing traditional songs.
    Traditional songs are usually sung by old women.
  • The Muslims don’t eat pork.
    Pork is not eaten by Muslims.
  • People in Montenegro eat a lot of ham.
    A lot of ham is eaten by people in Montenegro.