
Fever 1793 Chapter 16-20

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  • What does Mattie find to eat?
    A few green beans, some small squash and cherries.
    Dried mutton.
    Sausage in the smokehouse.
    Three chicken eggs.
  • An invalid is a person ready to:
    none of these
    rest and recover
    get to work
    run a race
  • What familiar figure is waiting for Mattie at home?
    King George
  • A shroud is used to:
    shine shoes
    make the bed
    keep warm
    wrap a dead body
  • One might cower in the presence of a:
  • What does placid mean?
    all of these
  • What is Potter's field?
    The city square.
    None of these.
    A community garden.
    It is where the dead fever victims are buried.
  • An urchin is:
    orphaned at birth
    a small, dirty child
    an old beggar
    none of these
  • Why does the wagon driver tell Grandfather "It won't do you no good" to send a letter to the Ludington's farm?
    The Ludingtons are all dead.
    The post office just closed down.
    All of these.
    The roads are closed.
  • When they settle back at home, what is the first thing Mattie orders Grandfather to do?
    Tells him to start cleaning up the mess.
    She orders him to rest because she can see how tired he look
    Sends him to the garden to find food.
    Asks him to find the police to report the burglary.
  • Grandfather thought he locked the door last time he left the coffeehouse. How did the intruder get in?
    Grandfather forgot to lock the door.
    Eliza let them in.
    The intruders had a key.
    Someone broke the window to get in.
  • A spiteful person seeks:
  • Mrs. Bowles asks Mattie her age. How old is Mattie?
  • Mattie does something right before she eats. What is it?
    She cries.
    She shoos the cat away.
    She prays.
    She shares her food with Silas.
  • Why did Mattie prefer the barn smell over the hospital smell?
    The hospital smelled like death the barn smelled like manure.
  • Which of these might be a salvage operation?
    redecorating a room
    emergency surgery
    cosmetic surgery
    sorting through wreckage
  • If a pain abates, it:
  • A dowery is offered to a:
    prospective husband
    a bride's father
    money lender
    person with yellow fever
  • Which of these might be an exorbitant meal?
    a Big Mac and fries at McDonald's
    omakase sushi in Tokyo
    a pizza delivery
    ramen noodles in the dorm
  • What is the first thing Mattie has to do when she wakes up in the morning?
    Eats turnips.
    Take a bath.
    Says a prayer.
    Goes to the market.
  • What was the main thing the thieves stole?
    the strongbox
  • Susannah is a girl Matties age. Mrs. Bowles is taking her to the orphan house. What will Susannah do there?
    She will be married to another orphan.
    All of these.
    She will look after the younger children,
    She will complete her education.
  • What might one brandish?
    a knife
    a paper with a perfect score
    all of these
    a sword
  • Where is Mattie Moved on the tenth day?
    To Potter's field.
    She goes home.
    To the barn.
    To the attic at Bush Hill.
  • Who is Dr. Deveze?
    A famous doctor who signed the Declaration of Independence.
    A barber-surgeon who bleeds his patients.
    An eminent minister who says yellow fever is a punishment.
    A physician who believes in nurturing the patient gently.
  • When Mattie points to the three story house, what does she see?
    A fever victim who was being thrown out by his family.
    Nathaniel waving at her.
    Boarded-up windows.
  • To recuperate, one might:
    lift weights
    eat soup and watch Netflix
    run a 5K
    swim 50 laps
  • To shroud something is to:
    all of these
    wrap it
    disguise it
    hide it