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  • What time is it 2 hours after 9 o'clock
    11 or 11 o'clock
  • What is the perimeter of a square whose one side measures 5cm?
    20 cm
  • Convert: 45 mm = _____ cm
    4.5 cm
  • Convert 67 dm = _____ m
    6.7 m
  • Convert: 3 m = _____ cm
    300 cm
  • What is the appropriate unit of measurement will you use for measuring the length of an eraser?
  • What time is it 3 hours before 5 o'clock
    2or 2 o'clock
  • What is the perimeter of a rectangle which has the width of 3cm and a length of 5cm?
    16 cm
  • What is the appropriate unit of measurement will you use for measuring the length of the table?
    m or cm
  • Convert: 5 dm = _____ cm
    50 cm