
NSG223 Exam 2 Review

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  • Why would vecuronium be given to a patient prior to intubation?
    it is a fast acting neuromuscular that last only about 30 min that can help relax the vocal cords and jaw.
  • How does warfarin work?
    Acts in liver to prevent synthesis of vit-K dependent clotting factors. Similar to vit-K in structure, it acts as a competitive antagonist to hepatic use of K
  • What is this: pH: 7.36 PaCO2: 37 HCO3: 25
    normal ABGs
  • What does an IVC filter do?
    Provides a screen in the IVC- allows blood through while blocking or fragmenting emboli from pelvis or lower extremities
  • Your patient has a high risk for DVT following a recent surgery. You should encourage them to dangle their legs for long periods of time if they won't ambulate. True or False?
    False- dangling can restrict blood flow behind the knees. Need to ambulate.
  • What does AST measure?
    AST is an enzyme that helps metabolize amino acids. Like ALT, AST is normally present in blood at low levels. An increase in AST levels may indicate liver damag
  • What is mannitol and why would it be used?
    Diuretic. Force urine for those with AKI/oliguria (or brain swelling)
  • What happens during the oliguria phase of AKI?
    Minimal urine output
  • Which acid-base imbalance can be caused by ingestion of antifreeze?
    Metabolic Acidosis
  • Heparin is safe to use during pregnancy. True or False?
    True- does not cross placental barrier and not secreted in breast milk
  • What is RIFLE?
    AKI Classification: Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, End Stage Kidney Disease
  • What is this: pH 7.27 PaCO2: 7 HCO3: 10
    Metabolic Acidosis with partial compensation
  • Which acid-base imbalance can be caused by prolonged diuretic use?
    Metabolic Alkalosis
  • What is the most severe type of pancreatitis?
  • What is the difference between compensated and decompensated cirrhosis?
    Compensated: Still have most live functioning ability; Decompensating: liver is failing and not doing its job
  • List 3 risk factors for PE.
    Recent surgery, pregnancy, HF, over 50yo, hypercoagulable state, prolonged immobility, OCPs, smoking
  • Patients with ARDS may experience hypoxemia even with oxygen supplementation. True or False ?
  • What is a normal BUN level?
  • Which acid-base imbalance can be caused by a panic attack or severe anxiety?
    Respiratory Alkalosis
  • What does kayexalate do?
    eliminates k through the body through feces
  • You are going to be giving a patient midazolam. Which reversal agent do you need available?
  • Garlic can increase the effects of heparin. True or False?
    True (garlic supplement or excessive garlic intake)
  • What is the antidote to warfarin?
    Vit K
  • What is a normal plasma pH?
  • Rivaroxaban is safe to use for those with renal disease. True or False
    False- avoid if creatinine clearance of less than 15mL/min
  • What is a normal HCO3 level?
    22-26 mEq/L
  • What test can be done to assess if a patient with chronic pancreatitis may be developing diabetes?
    Glucose tolerance test
  • What is a normal CO2 level (ABGs)?
    35-45 mmHg
  • What is a normal creatinine?
  • Idarucizumab is the antidote for ______.
    Dabigatran (Pradaxa)
  • Which type of cirrhosis is caused from excessive alcohol use?
    Alcoholic cirrhosis
  • What is the "classic" sign of pulmonary edema?
    Pink frothy sputum
  • How long should a patient expect to be on anticoagulation therapy after a PE?
    10 days-3 months; Forever if high risk
  • How do you test for neuromuscular blockade?
    Train of 4
  • What is a normal GFR?
  • You are going to be giving a patient midazolam. Which reversal agent do you need available?
  • What needs to be done prior to a test with contrast?
    check kidney function; creat over 2 is HIGH risk; prehydration with normal saline
  • Which acid-base imbalance can be caused by diabetic ketoacidosis?
    Metabolic Acidosis