
Magic Finger - Vocab

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  • Peep
    To look quickly or secretly through a narrow opening or from a hiding place.
  • Completely
    To the whole amount or extent; fully:
  • Madly
    With intensity; Extremely.
  • Quickly
    In a short time; rapidly.
  • Still
    Not moving; Making or having no sound; Silent.
  • Queer
    Strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different;
  • Afraid
    Feeling fear.
  • Witch
    A woman who is believed to have magic powers.
  • Whisker
    One of the long hairs growing near the mouth of a cat, rat, and certain other animals.
  • Nest
    A structure used by a bird to lay eggs and rear young.
  • Enormous
    Very large in size or amount; Huge.
  • Admit
    To tell the truth; confess To let in; allow to enter
  • Quack
    To make the sound that a duck makes.
  • Grave
    A hole dug in the ground where a dead body is buried.
  • Barley
    A plant that is like grass and whose grains are used to make food.