
Focus 4 Review Units 1-6

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  • I ______________________ (not finish) work before about 6.45, so don’t call me until at least 7.00.
    won’t have finished
  • The report is a deliberate and obvious attempt to ... . (to make someone believe something that is not true by giving them information that is false or not complete)
  • State industry employs almost one-third of China’s urban ... of 150 million.
  • Frank insisted on 'to do'/ 'doing' all the work himself.
  • She found her true ... in teaching. (a strong feeling that you should do a particular type of work)
  • Some say that the President has ...ed facts in order to win the election.
  • How do I re-enter the job ... after being a full-time mom?
  • We___________________(already/prepare) everything by the time they______________ (arrive).
    had already prepared/arrived
  • There have been questions about the ... of the report. (how correct or exact something is)
  • ‘Are you interested in a part-time job?’ she wanted to know.
    She wanted to know if/whether I was interested in a part-time job.
  • I would have never told her if I’d known it was a secret! ______________________________________, I would have never told her!
    Had I known it was a secret
  • If you buy something nice for yourself, you ..
    treat yourself to it.
  • I’d rather work in the f_________ (area of interest) of technology than finances. field
  • 3 Everyone’s talking about it now because a paparazzi took that one stupid photo. No one ________________________________
    [No one] would be talking about it now if a paparazzi hadn’t taken that one stupid photo.
  • It’s been a long journey. By the end of next month I _____________________ (travel) for a full year.
    will have been travelling
  • The boy admitted breaking the window. 'HE' The boy admitted _______________________ the window.
    1 The boy admitted breaking the window. HE The boy admitted _______________________ the window.
  • Read the graph
  • My parents tried to be ... about my new boyfriend, but I knew they didn't like him. (not likely to upset or embarrass other people )
  • I had a ... feeling that he was going to come back.