
The universe 7b

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  • How many planets are there in the universe?
    Almost a million
  • How many planets revolve around the Sun?
    8 planets.
  • What did early astronomers think?
    That everything in the Universe revolved around the Earth.
  • Why is Saturn different from all the other planets?
    Because it has rings around it.
  • Who suggested that the Earth orbits the Sun?
    The astronomer, Copernicus.
  • How many planets can fit into Jupiter?
    All the other planets in the Solar system can fit into Jupiter.
  • How far is the Earth from the Sun?
    150 kilometers.
  • What are constellations named after?
    Animals, ancient heroes and gods.
  • What is an orbit?
    It's a path that planets follow when the circle the Sun
  • Is Earth the only planet that has a Moon?
    No, it. isn't
  • How long does it take for the Moon to circle the Earth?
    28 days.
  • Where was the astronomer that suggested the Earth orbits the Sun from?
  • Name this constellation.
    The Big Dipper
  • Which planets are smaller than Earth?
    Venus, Mara and Mercury are smaller than Earth.
  • How many constellations are there across the whole sky?
    There are 88 consellations.
  • Which planet is closest to the Sun?
  • What is the Moon to the Earth?
    It's a (natural) satellite that orbits the Earth.
  • Which is the third planet after the Sun?
    The Earth
  • What is the Great Bear?
    It is a constellation.