
College Speech 1-4 Test

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  • What is a relational-oriented listener?
    Someone who is comfortable listening to others express feeling and emotions
  • What is a speech topic?
    Key focus of the content of the speech
  • What is a critical listener?
    Someone who prefers to evaluate messages
  • Which vocab word means: The print presentation of source information, like a works cited page
    Written citation
  • What is understanding?
    to assign meaning to the information to which you attend
  • What was the first organization formed to protect free speech?
    ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union
  • What is an inference?
    A conclusion based on partial information or an evaluation that has not been directly observed.
  • What is the 5th step of the speechmaking process?
    Gather supporting materials
  • What is prejudice?
    preconceived opinions, attitudes, and beliefs about a person, place, thing, or message
  • In the interactive model of communication, where does the message originate?
  • What is the 4th step of the speechmaking process?
    Generate main ideas
  • What is the first step of speechmaking process? (Circle of arrows)
    Select and narrow topic
  • What is one way to listen mindfully?
    Put your own thoughts aside. Are present mentally as well as physically. Make a conscious, mindful effort to listen. Invest time in listening. Are open-minded.
  • What is a central idea?
    A one sentence summary of the speech content
  • What is accomodation?
    Sensitivity to the feelings, needs, interests, and backgrounds of other people
  • What is a analytical listener?
    Someone who prefers messages that are supported with facts and details
  • What is rhetoric?
    The use of symbols to create meaning to achieve a goal.
  • What is a fact?
    Information that has been proven to be true by direct observation
  • What is the 6th step of the speechmaking process?
    Organize speech
  • In the interactive model of communication, what does the source send to the receiver?
  • What is the 7th step of the speechmaking process?
    Rehearse speech
  • In the interactive model of communication, where does the message end up?
  • In the interactive model of communication, what does the receiver send back to the source?
  • What is plagiarizing?
    Presenting someone else's words or ideas as one's own.
  • What is at the center of the speech making process? (the circle of arrows)
    Consider the audience
  • In the interactive model of communication, how is the message passed to the receiver?
    Through the channel
  • What is a task-oriented listener?
    Someone who prefers information that is well organized, brief, and precise
  • What 3 things should active listeners mentally do as they listen?
    Re-sort, rephrase, repeat
  • What is the third step of the speechmaking process?
    Develop Central Idea
  • What is the second step of the speechmaking process?
    Determine Purpose
  • Which vocab word means: The spoken presentation of source information
    Oral Citation
  • What is invention
    The development or discovery of new ideas and insights
  • What is a general purpose?
    The overarching goal of a speech-to inform, persuade, or entertain
  • What is patchwriting?
    Failing to give credit for phrases taken from another source.
  • What is a specific purpose?
    A concise statement of the desired audience response, indicating what you want listeners to remember, feel, or do when you finish speaking
  • What is the 8th step of the speech making process?
    Deliver speech
  • What is listening?
    The process by which receivers select, attend to, understand, remember, and respond to senders' messages