
Communication and languages

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  • What is your opinion about learning a foreign language at school? Is it enough?
    Your own answer
  • Who do you prefer? A man who talks too much and promises a lot or a man who doesn´t talk but he does his job?
    Your own answer
  • What do you use your phone for?
    Your own answer
  • What are the pros of using a phone?
    You can call for help, you do not get lost with GPS and maps, you can learn with your phone, you are entertained 24/7
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of online communication?
    It is faster, but somehow not real. It can be misused.
  • Compare communication in the past and nowadays.
    In the past is was slower, usually written and spoken - face to face. Nowadays it is faster, usually written, screen to screen
  • How is communication changing between people?
    Your own answer
  • What kind of technology do we use to communicate?
    TV, PC, PHONE, ...
  • What is communication
    Act of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts
  • What should we avoid when having a conversation?
    Being rude, being intimate, interrupting the partner, shouting, aggression, arrogance
  • How do you feel if somebody you are not in communication with stares at you?
    Your own answer
  • When was the last time you read or wrote a letter or postcard?
    Your own answer
  • Characterise visual form of communication.
    We see som road signs, logos, brands on the street, which give us information about something.
  • What kind of communication do you prefer? AND EXPLAIN WHY!
    Your own answer
  • Characterise non - verbal form of communication.
    We see mimics, gestures, our body can express our feelings and state of mind
  • Can you think of any ways in which your culture's body language is different?
    Nodding head in Bulgary means NO
  • What are the advantages of modern ways of communication?
    It is faster, we are reachable everywhere
  • How do you feel if someone is talking to you without looking at you?
    Your own answer
  • Give examples of negative body language.
    No eye contact, crossed arms, legs, hands, keeping distance, hands on hips, finger tapping
  • What are the best ways of learning a foreign language. Give 3 examples.
    Listening to music and podcasts, reading news, tutorials nad jokes, watching movies and series, joining an online course, playing pc games, ...
  • Characterise verbal form of communication.
    We speak, talk, we can hear it
  • What are the cons of using a phone?
    no privacy, no free time from job - boss can call you anytime , addiction, it is disturbing
  • Why should we learn a foreign language? Give reasons.
    We can get a better paid job, we can travel and get to know other people, cultures and lifestyles, find a partner, we are getting more intelligent
  • A letter or a postcard is a written form of communication. Which modern forms have replaced them?
    E mail and SMS
  • How do you "interpret" people's handshakes?
    Firm handshake means that the person is open and honest or confident, weak handshake means doubts, insecurity, lack of interest
  • Characterise written form of communication.
    We write messages, email, postcards, wishes, congartulations... Not many letters nowadays
  • Give examples of positive body language.
    Eye contact, smile, relaxed posture, firm handshake, nodding your head
  • Name some common forms of communication
    Verbal -it is spoken - we talk, Written - we write words down- n letters, emails, sms, Non verbal - our body language, Visual - we see signs,logos, brands
  • Do you think that people in Slovakia can debate effective?
    I guess many can not. We don´t want to understand. We want to WIN the debate. We often offend our partner and we don´t respect different opinion
  • What is communication? What are the differences between formal and informal communication?
    Formal is not private, close or deep - in an office , a bank, school ... Informal is among friends and people who are close to each other
  • What is a small talk?
    Talking about not important things - weather, surroundings ...
  • What are the disadvantages of modern ways of communication?
    We are overhelmed by messages and calls, face to face communication is disappearing, people are stressed,cyberbulling
  • What are the modern ways of communication?
    We communicate digitally - throught the internet and phone
  • Give 5 tips on an effective conversation.
    Keep eye contact, listen actively, show interest, speak appropriately - not loud or too quite, not to fast or slow, be kind/polite
  • How do you learn a foreign language?
    Your own answer