
Story problems

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  • Grandfather asked the boys to count the number of chickens on the farm. Ben walked through 4 barns and counted a total of 9 chicken coops. Daniel said that there are 60 chickens in each coop. How many chickens do they have in total?
  • Shiela made colorful paper stars which will be placed in small clear bottles. She was able to prepare 45 paper stars. How many stars will be placed in each bottle if Shiela has 9 classmates?
    45 ÷ 9 = 5 There will be 5 stars to be placed in each bottle.
  • Andrew is having his friends over, so he decided to prepare snacks and games. He started by making mini sandwiches. If he has 4 friends coming over and he made 3 sandwiches for each one of them, how many sandwiches did he make?
  • Jenny and her family just moved to a new city. Today will be her first day at a new school. Jenny wants to make sure that she is well rested, so she slept for 8 hours. If an hour has 60 minutes, how many minutes of sleep did she have?
  • Lexie’s younger brother helped pick up all the paper clips in Lexie’s room. He was able to collect 81 paper clips. If he wants to distribute the paper clips in 9 boxes, write an equation showing how many paper clips each box will contain.
    81 ÷ 9 = 9 Each box will contain 9 paperclips.
  • When Jenny got to school, she saw that the school has 9 buildings, each having 30 classrooms. How many classrooms does the school have?
  • Jenny and her family moved to a new city. Today will be her first day at school. She ate a hearty breakfast so that she would have enough energy. She bought 5 pieces of bread. If each piece of bread costs .30 cents how much did she spend?
  • Lexie has a lot of art materials. Besides the piles of white paper was a stack of 700 sheets of used paper. She wants to place it in boxes for recycling. If every box can contain 100 sheets, how many boxes does she need?
    700 ÷ 100 = 7 She needs 7 boxes.
  • Jenny and her family moved to a new city. Today will be her first day at school. She ate a hearty breakfast so that she would have enough energy. She bought 5 pieces of bread. If each piece of bread costs 30 cents how much did she spend?
  • Daniel and his brother Ben went to their grandfather’s farm. One day, his grandfather asked if he could count the total number of sheep. If there are 3 flocks of sheep, each flock has 20 sheep, how many sheep do they have in total?
  • Lexie puts 3 piles of clean white papers were stacked in the corner of her room. She decided to place these papers in paper envelopes which can hold 10 papers each. How many paper envelopes does she need if she has 120 clean white papers?
  • Andrew tried to compute his expenses for the game night. If he spent $9 for each game they played and they played a total of 5 games, write an equation for how much money he spend on games that night?
    9 x 4 = 45
  • After the vacation, Ben figured out that the farm was divided into 5 sections and each section has an area of 60 acres. Write an equation for the total area of the farm.
    60 x 5 = 300
  • Lexie’s spent 2 hours gathering all of her watercolor paintings. She wants to place an equal number of paintings in 4 of the rooms in the house. If Lexie has 32 paintings, how many paintings will be placed in each of the 4 rooms? f
    32 ÷ 4 = 8 There will be 8 paintings to be placed in each of the four rooms.
  • Daniel and his brother Ben went to their grandfather’s farm for a few weeks of vacation. . Ben was given 7 trays of eggs to examine. If each tray has 10 eggs, how many eggs did Ben examine in total?
  • Allan, Shiela’s brother, likes to play with blocks. Shiela repainted Allan’s old blocks in different colors. If Allan has 49 blocks and there are 7 blocks for every color of paint used, how many colors did Shiela use?
    49 ÷ 7 = 7 Shiela used 7 colors for the blocks
  • Lexie tried to get to know the teachers in the school. She found out that there are 7 departments in the school and each department has 20 teachers. Write and equation showing how many teachers are there in total.
    7 x 20 = 140 There are 140 teachers in all.
  • Andrew is having his friends over, He made some juice from fresh oranges. If he used 2 oranges per glass of juice and he made 6 glasses of juice, how many oranges did he use?
  • Lexie counted her crayons and found out that she has 80 crayons which she will place in crayon boxes. Every crayon box can contain 8 crayons. How many crayon boxes does she need?
  • Today will be Jenny her first day at school. Jenny decided to ride the school’s bus. It’s a 30 minute ride. The bus has a total of 20 rows of seats and each row has a capacity of 4 kids. How many kids in total can ride the bus?