
First Aid

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  • Unscramble these letters to find out what's the matter with this person: ESOR HRTTOA
    He has a SORE THROAT.
  • His eye is purple. What is this called? Unscramble the letters to figure out the word: USIBRE.
    It's a BRUISE.
  • What is the vehicle that takes you to hospital in an emergency called?
    It's called an ambulance.
  • When your body temperature is very high, higher than normal. What's the matter?
    You've got a fever/temperature.
  • When you break your arm, the doctor usually puts it in a _ _ _ _ _ to hold and support it.
  • What's the matter with Scooby?
    He's got a stomach ache/ He has a stomach ache.
  • What's wrong with this boy? Unscramble the letters to figure it out: UYNRN ESON
    He's got a runny nose/ He has a RUNNY NOSE.
  • What's the matter with Paul?
    He's got a headache/ He has a headache.
  • What's wrong with this animal?
    It's got a toothache/ It has a toothache.
  • What's wrong with this boy?
    He has a cough.
  • What happens to people when they sit in the sun for too long?
    They get sunburnt.
  • What's the matter with him?
    He´s got an ear ache/ He has an EAR ACHE.
  • What's the matter with her?
    She's got a broken arm and a broken leg.
  • What is this called? Unscramble the letters to help figure it out: LSPAERT.
    It's a PLASTER.
  • When people are sick, they sometimes go to the pharmacy to buy.... (clue: starts with an M)
  • What's the matter with him?
    He's dizzy/ He is dizzy.
  • What does this person have wrapped around their head and face?