
NSG223 Exam 1 Review (Cards)

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  • Ampicillin should be given with food to avoid stomach upset. True or False.
    False. for best absorption, give on empty stomach
  • Which type of angina has increasing symptoms/severity and is not relieved with rest or nitro?
    Unstable- get to ER
  • What is a normal troponin I range?
  • What is a normal INR? What is a therapeutic INR for a patient with A-fib?
    Normal: 1.1 or less; Therapeutic: 2.0-3.0
  • Inflammation of the inner most layer of the heart muscle is called ____.
  • What test is used to diagnose cardiomyopathy?
  • What are the main s/s of endocarditis?
    fever, heart murmur, petechiae, headache
  • Males are at higher risk for a-fib than females. True or False
    False- sex doesn't affect risk
  • How long should a patient expect anticoagulation therapy after biological mitral valve replacement?
    3 months
  • EMERGENT PCI is also the first line of treatment for patients presenting with NSTEMI. True or False
    False- not a full blockage
  • A patient with a STEMI should get to cath lab for a PCI within ___ minutes of arrival to the ER.
    90 mins- better outcome
  • What test is used to diagnose mitral valve prolapse?
  • On an ECG, each small square is ___ seconds. Each large square is ___ seconds. A 6-second interval is ___ squares.
    0.04 seconds; 0.2 seconds; 30 large squares
  • Mitral regurgitation is commonly treated with balloon valvuloplasty. True or False.
    False- Regurgitation is not stenosis. valves don't need to be opened. they are too flaccid
  • Patients with mitral valve stenosis may present with respiratory symptoms. True or False
    True- can cause pulmonary venous hypertension (less force to push blood into the body; backs up in lungs)
  • What is the most common cause of myocarditis?
    virus; can also be bacterial, fungal, parasitic, protozoal
  • Which wave represents ventricular repolarization?
    T Wave (resting state)
  • A pleural friction rub may be heard in a patient with pericarditis. True or false
  • The mitral valve has ___ valves. #
  • Mitral Valve Stenosis is diagnosed by _____.
  • What is a normal PTT range? What is therapeutic range for heparin therapy?
    25-35 seconds; therapeutic goal: 45-70 seconds
  • On an ECG, which interval represents the total time for ventricular depolarization and repolarization.
    QT interval
  • Severe mitral valve regurgitation can be treated with _____.
    valve replacement, valvuloplasty, chordae Tendinniae, annuloplasty
  • How many leaflets in the aortic valve? Mitral valve?
  • Your patient is diagnosed with a STEMI in the ER. You have an order for alteplase. This should be given within ___ hours of onset of pain.
  • Prior to starting amiodarone, patients need _______ testing.
    PFTs and Renal Labs
  • Describe telemetry "alarm fatigue".
    Certain rhythms trigger a frequent alarm. Ex: Afib and irregular rhythm alarm; tachycardia and high HR alarm. OK to silence/adjust parameters
  • Prior to starting any cholesterol medications, you must first check ____ function.
  • What is a normal PR interval?
    0.12-0.20 seconds (3-5 small boxes)
  • These medications can convert heart rhythm: Fecainide, Dofetilide, Propafenone, Amiodarone. True or False
  • What is the antidote for heparin?
    Protamine Sulfate
  • On an ECG, which wave represents atrial depolarization.
    P Wave
  • It is ok to do a cardiac stress test within 48 hours of an acute MI. True or False?
    False- need to wait at least 48 hours after to prevent further ischemia to the heart