
Government in Early Ayutthaya

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  • How many towns are there in the District Administration?
  • Name the two parts of the Government in the Early Ayutthaya Period
    1. Civil Service Administration 2. District Administration
  • Who controlled the Royal Household ?
    Palace Official
  • The four departments of Civil service Administration are called________ ?
  • Who controlled the Agriculture Department?
    Royal Official
  • Who controlled the Interior Department ?
    District Governors
  • Name the Four towns in District Administration
  • Name the four departments of Civil Service Administration ( Chatusadom )
  • Government in Early Ayutthaya Period starts from the reign of King ______ until King ______
    King Ramathibodi until King Boromrachathirach
  • Who controlled the finance Department?
    Finance Minister
  • how many departments are there in Civil Service Administration?