
Unit 7 Vocabulary (Close Up B2)

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  • I couldn’t believe it when the prosecutor put the main____ on the witness stand. (a defendant b clerk c lawyer d suspect)
    d) suspect
  • Did you hear about the judge who____a murderer free? (a let b set c allowed d went)
    b) set
  • I feel so sorry for people who have been falsely____. (a judged b released c held d accused)
    d) accused
  • You can’t____the law and get away with it. (a rob b steal c confess d break)
    d) break
  • I was called up for___duty and had to sit through a three-week trial. (a juvenile b court c case d jury)
    d) jury
  • I wonder how many_____ get through customs at the airport without getting caught. (a muggers b smugglers c robbers d burglars)
    b) smugglers
  • Hands behind your head! You’re _____ arrest! (a in b above c under d below)
    c) under
  • Frank can’t get a job because he has a criminal____. (a record b case c act d wave)
    a) record
  • It can take anywhere from an hour to days for a jury to reach a____. (a statement b sentence c verdict d claim)
    c) verdict
  • If you don’t____up to the crime now, your punishment will be worse. (a own b give c hold d let)
    a) own
  • Most suspects do not_____guilty in court. (a find b say c claim d plead)
    d) plead
  • Fifty people on the bus were taken___by the terrorists. (a armed b hostage c illegal d criminal)
    b) hostage
  • It is common for a _____ to get a life sentence. (a kidnapper b hijacker c murderer d blackmailer)
    c) murderer
  • You can’t ____ a case outside of the courtroom. (a try b listen c dismiss d commit)
    a) try