
ODF 3 Unit 1+2

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  • It took me a long time to ______________________________ (drink) tea with milk.
    get used to drinking
  • Marcia was tired because she ___ (be) in the supermarket all day.
    had been
  • Don’t eat that food! It had been on the floor! (find a mistake)
    Don’t eat that food! It WAS on the floor!
  • My dad ______________________________ (be) in much better shape when he was younger.
    used to be
  • When Karen ___ (meet) Simon for the first time, they had both been working in the company for 6 months
  • Sophie ___ (wait) for an hour when they finally asked ger to come into the interview room.
    had waited / had been waiting
  • I waited over an hour when he arrived. (find a mistake)
    I HAD WAITED/HAD BEEN WAITING over an hour when he arrived.
  • She was hurting her arm while she was playing tennis. (find a mistake)
    She HURT her arm while she was playing tennis.
  • When I was younger, I didn’t use to ...
  • The police arrested him after he ___ (steal) 6 cars.
    had stolen
  • While she was shopping, somebody ___ (take) her bag.
  • I opened my eyes and have seen a present on the table. (find a mistake)
    I opened my eyes and SAW a present on the table.
  • I haven’t got used to
  • Although I listened to her explanation, I ___ (not believe) a word she said. I knew she was a liar.
    didn't believe
  • When I was younger, I used to ...
  • Adam ____ (visit) more than 30 countries by the time he celebrated his 21st birthday.
    had visited
  • I can’t ______________________________ (wear) these new glasses.
    get used to wearing
  • I have got used to
  • I’m not used to ...
  • I’m used to ...
  • We ___ (live) on the island when the hurricane destroyed the main harbor. It was really scary.
    were living