
3D Shapes - Week 20

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  • Find a cylinder
  • Which shapes have points/corners?
    The cube, cone and cylinder have points/corners
  • Can it roll, slide or stack?
    It can roll, slide and stack
  • Which shapes can slide?
    The cone, cube and cylinder can slide.
  • Does the cube have corners?
    Yes it does!
  • Which shapes can stack AND roll?
    The cone and cylinder can stack and roll.
  • Which shapes have flat sides?
    The cube, cone and cylinder have flat sides
  • Can it roll, slide or stack?
    It can roll
  • Does the sphere have corners?
    No it doesn't
  • Does the cone have corners?
    Yes it has one!
  • Find a sphere
  • Does the cylinder have corners?
    No it doesn't
  • Which shapes can roll?
    The sphere, cone and cylinder can roll.
  • Can it roll, slide or stack?
    It can roll, slide and stack
  • Can it roll, slide or stack?
    It can slide and stack
  • Which shapes have curves?
    The sphere, cone and cylinder have curves