
Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party

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  • What did his friend Callie think was the best topping for the pizza?
    Callie __________________________.
  • What is something Pete loves?
    Pete loves ______________________.
  • Who were some of Pete's friends that came to the party?
  • What did Gus want on the pizza?
    Gus _____________.
  • Do the toppings Pete and his friends put on their pizza usually go on a pizza?
  • What did Pete think the perfect pizza should be?
    Pete thought the pizza should be ______________________.
  • Did Pete's friends agree that pepperoni and cheese were the best toppings?
  • What letter do all of the toppings start with...... pepperoni, pretzel, pistachio, pickle, popcorn, papaya pizza?
  • What did squirrel think should go onto the pizza?
    Squirrel ____________________________.
  • What is YOUR perfect pizza?
    My perfect pizza is ____________________.
  • What did Grumpy Toad think should be a topping on the pizza?
    Grumpy Toad ____________.
  • What other activities do Pete and his friends do at the party?
    They _____________.