
10IELTS_M2.U5 Listening

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  • When doing the IELTS listening note-completion task, you shouldn't listen for synonyms or paraphrasing. True or False?
    False (always pay attention to synonyms or paraphrasing)
  • The signpost language can help you follow the talk better. True or False?
  • You won't lose any points for tiny mistakes in your answers. True or False?
    False (Silly errors like spelling mistakes or plural/singular forms of nouns can cost you valuable points)
  • In Section 4 of IELTS Listening test, you will hear a conversation between 2 people. True or False?
    False (an academic talk by one speaker)
  • In the IELTS listening task, 55% is considered ONE NUMBER. True or False?
    True (the symbol % is not counted as a word)
  • Before doing the IELTS listening note-completion task, should you look around the gaps and predict the answers based on the context?
    Yes (this step is important)
  • Hyphenated words like "up-to-date" as counted as ONE WORD. True or False?
  • The IELTS listening task asks you to write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER. Is this answer "4th July" correct?
    Yes ("4th July" is considered ONE NUMBER AND ONE WORD in IELTS Listening)
  • You need to paraphrase the answers before filling them in the gaps. True or False?
    False (You may listen to the synonyms or paraphrases of keywords in the notes while listening, but just use the exact same words you hear for the answers)
  • In the IELTS listening note-completion task, the answers don't come in order. True or False?
    False (they come in order)