
Questions with Regular AR verbs

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  • ¿Compra ella?
    Does she buy?/Is she buying?
  • ¿Envia usted?
    Are you (form) sending?/Do you (form) send?
  • ¿Montáis vosotros?
    Are all of you (inf) riding?/Do all of you (inf) ride?
  • ¿Lloro?
    Am I crying?/Do I cry?
  • ¿Prestas tú?
    Do you (inf) loan?/Are you (inf) loaning?
  • ¿Borramos nosotros?
    Do we erase?/Are we erasing?
  • ¿Desayunan ellas?
    Are they (f) having breakfast?/Do they (f) have breakfast?
  • ¿Limpian ustedes?
    Do you all (form) clean?/Are you all (form) cleaning?
  • ¿Tocas tú?
    Do you (inf) touch?/Are you (inf) touching?
  • ¿Dibujamos?
    Are we drawing?/Do we draw?
  • ¿Hablan ellas?
    Do they (f) talk?/Are they (f) talking?
  • ¿Espera ella?
    Is she waiting for?/Does she wait for?
  • ¿Camina Ud.(usted)?
    Do you (form) walk?/Are you (form) walking?
  • ¿Estudian ellos?
    Are they (m) studying?/Do they (m) study?
  • ¿Presenta él?
    Is he presenting?/Does he present?
  • ¿Usan ellos?
    Are they (m) using?/Do they (m) use?
  • ¿Llevan Uds.(ustedes)?
    Do you all (form) wear?/Are you all (form) wearing?
  • ¿Dibuja él?
    Does he draw?/Is he drawing?
  • ¿Cocino yo?
    Am I cooking?/Do I cook?