
Science 5th Grade Unit 2 Plants Review

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  • This is where oxygen and carbon dioxide enter and leave the leaf...
  • Describe Germination
    GERMINATION: When seeds reach soil that has the right conditions for their survival, they FORM ROOTS and GERMINATE
  • This is a mixture of xylem sap, carbohydrates and water...
    Phloem sap
  • Do plants have organs?
    YES, they HAVE organs! Most plant cells form tissues and have specialised organs to carry out different vital functions
  • These absorb water and minerals...
    Root hairs
  • These transport both types of sap around the plant...
  • Describe Pollination
    POLLINATION: Pollen from one plant is transported to another plant. It can be carried by WIND or by INSECTS
  • True or False: Most plant cells form tissues and have specialised organs to carry out different vital functions
  • What are the two types of reproduction in plants?
    Asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction
  • This is a green substance that absorbs the Sun's energy...
  • Describe Fertilisation
    FERTILISATION: The male reproductive cells in the pollen fuse with the FEMALE reproductive cells in the ovule
  • Are plants autotrophic or heterotrophic?
  • Are plants multicellular or unicellular organisms?
  • Are SPORES related to nutrition or reproduction?
    Reproduction- Mosses and ferns produce spores, which grow into plants when they fall on moist, damp earth 
  • Put the process of plant sexual reproduction in order: Fertilisation, Seed Dispersal, Pollination, Seed and Fruit Formation, Germination
    1. Pollination 2. Fertilisation 3. Seed and Fruit Formation 4. Seed Dispersal 5. Germination
  • Is an OVULE related to nutrition or reproduction?
    Reproduction- ovules are the female reproductive cells produced by the pistil 
  • Do plants have a locomotor system?
    NO! They DON'T HAVE a locomotor system
  • True or False: The leaves hold up the rest of the plant
    FALSE! The STEM holds up the rest of the plant
  • Explain how different plants use a STOLON, a BULB and SPORES in asexual reproduction.
    1- roots grow from the stolon to make a new plant 2- new stem grows from a bulb 3- mosses and ferns release spores which grow a new plant on moist soil
  • Are ROOT HAIRS related to nutrition or reproduction?
    Nutrition- Root hairs absorb water and minerals from the soil 
  • True or False: Plants respire when they absorb carbon dioxide
    FALSE! When plants absorb carbon dioxide, this is called PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Plants RESPIRE when they produce OXYGEN
  • Is a BULB related to nutrition or reproduction?
    Reproduction- Bulbs are part of asexual reproduction, plants with bulbs grow new stems in the spring 
  • Is CHLOROPHYLL related to nutrition or reproduction?
    Nutrition- Chlorophyll is a green substance which absorbs the Sun's energy, which is used for photosynthesis 
  • Are STOMATA related to nutrition or reproduction?
    Nutrition- Stomata are small openings on the leaf that open and close and join the plant to the external environment
  • This is a mixture of water and minerals absorbed by the roots...
    Xylem Sap
  • Explain sexual reproduction in plants.
    Male and female reproductive cells are needed for sexual reproduction. These cells fuse to become a seed, it makes a new plant when its dispersed and germinated
  • Are STEM VESSELS related to nutrition or reproduction?
    Nutrition- Stem Vessels transport nutrients around the plant 
  • Are STAMENS related to nutrition or reproduction?
    Reproduction- Stamens produce the male reproductive cells in the form of pollen 
  • True or False: At the end of the roots there are tiny root hairs