
The effect of force

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  • How the soccer ball is affected by the force applied to it?
    Makes an object moves
  • Identify the effect of force: Marcus hit a tennis ball back to Arun
    Change the direction of a moving object
  • Identify the effect of forces on an object: Arun cracks an egg into a bowl.
    Makes an object move
  • How the soccer ball is affected by the force applied to it?
    Change the direction of a moving object
  • Identify the effect of force: Safia pushes open a doee.
    Makes an object move
  • How the soccer ball is affected by the force applied to it?
    stop a moving object/change the direction of a moving object
  • Identify the effect of force: Zara pedals her bike faster
    Change the speed of a moving object
  • How the soccer ball is affected by the force applied to it?
    Change its shape