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  • There aren't any furniture at home.
    aren't → isn't
  • Do you mind if I ask you a little questions?
    a little → a few
  • Many students were able to pass the exam. It was rather disappointing.
    many → few
  • There is a mistake in each setences.
    setences → sentence
  • We must be quick. We have a little time.
    a little → little
  • Not much games are easy to program.
    much → many
  • Every student in this class are very good.
    are → is
  • How much exercises have you done today?
    much → many
  • 'Do you ever go to Atlantic City?' 'Yes, I go there little times every year.'
    little → a few
  • This town is not a very interesting place to visit, very a few tourists come here.
    a few → few
  • Joan spends few money on downloading music.
    few → little
  • I've been there only once, so I don't remember many.
  • Every countries in the world should protect our planet.
    countries → country