
SKC1 - U1-L4

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  • What countries does the Silk Road go across?
    It goes across Europe and Asia.
  • What's the name of the Road?
    The Silk Road?
  • How many years did Marco Polo live in China?
    He lived in China for 17 YEARS.
  • What did Marco do when he was 21?
    He met the ruler of China.
  • Was the trip difficult or easy?
    It was difficult.
  • What did Marco do in 1271?
    Marco started his travels on the Silk Road from Italy to China.
  • How many years did Marco Polo travel on the Silk Road?
    3 years
  • What did he do in 1292?
    He left China
  • Who is Kublai Khan?
    He's the ruler of China.
  • How long is the Silk Road?
    6,000 kilometers
  • Did Marco become famous? Why?
    Yes, he did. He wrote a book. Many people read this book.
  • How old is the silk road?
    It's over 2,000 years old.
  • When did he return to Italy?
    He returned to Italy when he was 41
  • When did he died?
    He died when he was 70