
Hamilton vs Jefferson

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  • Wanted to pay off National debt.
    Both Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
  • What type of voters did Jefferson have?
    South and West
  • Thomas Jefferson wanted what type of government?
    States rights
  • Who wanted a free republic
    Both Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
  • Who believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • Who was a part of Washington's cabinet?
    Both Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
  • Who were the 2 people that didn't get along and their views were different?
    Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
  • Jefferson wanted type of Economic future?
    Farming and Agriculture
  • Believed people are basically good
    Thomas Jefferson
  • Who believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution?
  • Alexander Hamilton wanted want type of government
    Strong Central
  • What type of voters did Hamilton have?
    North and East
  • Hamilton wanted what type of economic future?
    Manufacturing and Trade
  • Believed people are basically selfish
    Alexander Hamilton