
Form 2 Book Unit

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  • Based on the gif, what genre of books do you think this would belong to? a) autobiography b) history/hero c) mystery
    b) history or hero
  • Sherlock Holmes is a popular genre of books. What is that?
    detective or mystery
  • Based on the gif, what kind of book is this?
    a comic book
  • What does the prefix 'auto' mean? a) auto b) car c) with help
    a) self
  • Stephen King's book 'IT' is what genre of books?
    thriller or horror
  • Romeo and Juliet or Lord of the Rings are what genre of books? a) reference b) classics c) instructions
    b) classics
  • Books where the characters or people have to make it with little or nothing are what genre? a) survival story b) mystery/detective c) classics
    a) survival story
  • What is the word used to describe the category of books you like to read? a) genre b) romance c) classics
    a) Genre
  • A book about chemistry or biology would belong to what genre?
    science or natural science
  • Would a Shakespeare story belong to a) Sports b) Science or c) Classics genre?
  • What kind of book would belong to the reference genre?
    a dictionary
  • A book about Kobe Bryant would belong to which genre?
  • Fiction stories are not true. True or false?
  • If you wanted to learn about the life of a person written by him or herself, you could read a) an autobiography b) a biography c) an encyclopedia.
    a) autobiography
  • In a phone survey carried out between February and March 2020, what % of under 18s said they hadn't read any books in 2019? a) 15% b)21.5 % c) 30%
  • Would The Mystery of the Missing Cat belong to a) Detective b) Romance or c) Animal genre?
  • Based on the gif, what genre of books do you think this would belong to?
    graphic novel
  • Based on the gif, what genre of books do you think this would belong to? a) fantasy/adventure b) social science c) thriller
    b) social science
  • What genre would a book about love belong to?
  • A book that tells you 'How to...' do something would belong to which genre? a) comic book b) cookbook c) instructions
    c) instructions
  • A story about a real person but written by someone else is called a _______.
  • The story of 'Hachiko' would be what genre?
    human interest or animal story
  • A weekly or monthly publication, usually printed on glossy paper, with photos and articles is called a what? a) newspaper b) magazine c) booklet
    b) Magazine
  • Non- fiction stories are true stories. True or False?
  • An autobiography is a book written about a person by that person. True or false?
  • Harry Potter books would be considered what kind of books?
  • Fiction is the favourite genre of books read in Hong Kong? What is the second favourite genre? a) science b) human interest c) history
    c) History