
Apologia Advanced biology Module 8

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  • What is K and what does it do?
    Prefrontal area - site of motivation and foresight, regulates mood and emotion, inhibits impulsive behavior
  • What are e and f?
    e - hypothallamus, F - the pituitary gland
  • What is the anatomical crossing over of neurons from left to right side of the CNS?
  • What are Gyri?
    folds of the cortex that increase the surface area
  • What are the layers of the meninges?
    Dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia matter
  • What is the foramen magnum?
    an opening at the base of the skull through which the spinal chord and brain are connected
  • Why did we study the pituitary gland in this module?
    The posterior pituitary is part of the brain. It is controlled by the hypothalamus.
  • what is K? what is it's function?
    Corpus callosum: a large bundle of more than 200 million myelinated nerve fibers that connect the two brain hemispheres
  • What are Arachnoid granulates and what do the do?
    They are like tiny sewers at the top of the head where CSF drains into the superior sagittal sinus where it mixes with blood
  • What does this picture show? Explain what is happening.
    Reflex arc
  • What is the reflex arc?
    a special type of neural circuit that begins with a sensory neuron at a receptor, and ends with a motor neuron at an effector without going through the brain
  • What are d and e and what structure do they make up?
    d - thalamus, e - hypothalamus together they are the diencephelon
  • What is the difference between the Primary sensory somatic area and the somatic sensory association area?
    The first one receives and localizes general sensations , the second area interprets the information and puts it into context with your past experiences
  • What is B called and what does it do?
    somatic sensory association area. This area determines the meaning of the sensation. sharp/dull,
  • What is E and what does it do?
    Wernick’s area: deals with the comprehension of speech, understanding language
  • What does the premotor area do? what does the primary motor cortex do?
    premotor area works out sequences of signals needed for learned complex motion, primary Motor cortex controls basic skeletal muscle movements
  • What happens in the ventricles and why?
    They make and store cerebral spinal fluid to cushion and protect the brain, and removes waste. 80% is made in the lateral ventricles
  • Where does decussation primarily occur?
    Medulla oblongata
  • What is the difference between the visual association area and the visual cortex?
    The second one recognizes basic visual information (shape and color), the first interprets the information, putting it into context with your past experiences
  • What are A and what are B?
    A - Gyri(a ridge on the surface of the brain), B - sulci ( a groove in the cerebral cortex)
  • What is a connection of neurons that allow the two hemispheres of the brain to communicate?
    commissures (the corpus callosum)
  • What is a Sulcus?
    a groove or furrow, especially on the surface of the brain
  • What is L and what does it do?
    Primary motor area: controls basic skeletal movements
  • What are considered vital functions?
    Those functions of the body, necessary for life on a minute to minute basis (respirations, beating heart)
  • What is this part of the brain that has the pons, medulla oblongata and the Midbrain?
    The brain stem
  • What medical procedure was done on Rosemary Kennedy and Why?
    Pre-frontal lobotomies, she was mentally retarded and they were trying to treat it, because it controls mood , emotion, and impulsive behavior
  • What are g, h and i, separately and together?
    g - midbrain, h - pons, i - medulla oblongata, together - the brain stem
  • What is j and what does it control?
    cerebellum - Maintenance of balance and posture
  • What is grey matter?
    A collection of neuron cell bodies and associated neuroglia
  • What is the difference between White and Grey matter?
  • What is H and what does it do?
    Broca;s area: initiates muscle movement for speech