
Spelling Review

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  • bes__ (ck/k/c)
    k -besk
  • Can -tch be at the beginning of a word?
    NO- only the end!
  • tas__ (ck/k/c)
    k- task
  • Only use -tch after a ...
    short vowel
  • lan__ (ch/tch)
  • Only use a -k after a ...
    1. Consonant 2. Long Vowel
  • clin__ (ch/ tch)
  • When do you use ch? (3 answers needed)
    1. beginning of a word 2. after a long vowel 3. after a consonant
  • min__ (ch/ tch)
  • thrun__ (ck/k/c)
    k- thrunk
  • triffi__ (ck/k/c)
    c- triffic- it has 2 syllables!
  • to___ (ch/tch)
    tch- totch
  • me__ (ck/k/c)
    ck- meck
  • thi__ (ck/ k/ c)
    ck- thick
  • snea__ (ck/k/c)
    k- sneak- it is a long vowel!
  • pobli__ (ck/k/c)
    c-poblic- it has 2 syllables!
  • stri__e (ck/k/c)
    k- strike
  • Only use a -ck after a ...
    short vowel
  • nu__ (ck/k/c)
    ck- nuck
  • sta___ (ch/tch)