
EGE collocations + word-formation

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  • Based on research from several websites, younger generations ___________strive for more likes and comments on their posts. CONTINUOUS First, when we only have a "like" button, it is depriving us of freedom of __________ EXPRESS
  • This public has got a lot of ____________ SUBSCRIBE. It can help ___________relationship. STRONG
    Subscriptions, strengthen
  • Smoothies have been a popular _______to fizzy drinks and are marketed as a healthy drink.1) alternative 2) option 3) variation 3) substitution
  • But one document does ______ the team for their efforts. 1) praise 2)contribute 3) compliment 4) bless
  • This sport is ____________popularity in Germany, UK, India and Russia, 1) achieving 2) obtaining 3) gaining 4) getting
    gaining popularity
  • Mini dogs that1 _______in your bag have been a trend for along time, but now there is a new must 2____micro animal: the mini pig. 1) suit 2) fit 3)match 4)get / 1)have 2)do 3)see 4) buy
  • The 'smart cart" resembles a one-basket cart and is __________ with bar code readers, sensors and scales. 1)established 2) added 2)full 3) equipped
  • After the class we 1_________ on what was good and what could be better, we analyse your 2________in class and decide what our next move will be. 1) think 2) insist 3) refelect 4) discuss / 1) act 2) play 3) performance 4) game
  • This isn't Amazon's first __________at trying to enable an autonomous and cashier-less shopping trip. 1)effort 2) attempt 3)suggestion 4) idea
  • The next time people see you drawing in the class, tell them that you are simpy trying to _____ your concentration. 1) boost 2) improve 3) increase 4) magnify
    boost your concentration
  • Amazon confirmed it is opening seven Amazon Fresh stores - four in Californis and three in Illinois - but has not ____their opening dates. 1) announced 2)claimed 3) voiced 4) said