
Great Gifts for Earth

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  • Great. True or False?
  • One way you an make less trash
    Use both sides of the paper
  • Less trash means a __________________ and _________________ Earth!
    cleaner and healthier
  • What is this?
  • What is this? Spell it!
  • When is Earth Day?
    April 22
  • What is the best gift you can give the Earth?
    Make less trash.
  • One way you can make less trash
    Use a water bottle that you can refill
  • One way you can make less trash
    Pack your lunch in a box you can reuse
  • Why can animals be harmed by trash?
    They can eat it and get sick
  • What is this?
  • What can trash harm?
    Earth's land and water
  • What is the title of the story?
    Great Gift for Earth
  • What is reuse?
    to use again