
Int - 5A Past tenses

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  • They went to a restaurant after they.........(sail).
    had sailed
  • ......... you play tennis yesterday?
  • He __________ (pass) her a message when the teacher __________ (look / not).
    passed / wasn't looking
  • ......... you seen Terminator 2 before watching Terminator 3?
  • When I got to the swimming pool, I realised that I.........(leave) my towel at home.
    had left
  • Marvin __________ (come) home, __________ (switch) on the computer and __________ (check) his emails.
    came / switched / checked
  • Before they.........(start) the party, they had invited some friends.
  • .........Ellie.........(wash) the dishes when her mum came home?
    Had ... washed
  • When we came back, it was cold in the house because Alice.........(not close) the windows.
    hadn't closed
  • She ......... (not travel) to Germany last month because of COVID-19.
    didnt' travel
  • We __________ (wait) for Jane, when suddenly Louis __________ (come) around the corner.
    were waiting / came
  • Before I played football, I.........(finish) my homework.
    had finished
  • After one hour of cycling in sunshine, a big fat raincloud suddenly __________ (appear) and it __________ (start) to rain.
    appeared / started
  • We lost the match because we.........(not practise) the days before.
    hadn't practised
  • After Tom had helped his mother, he.........(watch) a movie called "The Lord of the Rings"
  • In the shopping centre, I met a friend who I......... (not see) for ages.
    hadn't seen
  • They ......... never ......... (visit) that place before!
    had ... visited
  • ......... you ......... (eat) anything before you went to the theatre?
    Had ... eaten
  • While Tom __________ (read) , Amely __________ (watch) a documentary on TV.
    was reading / was watching
  • Three weeks ago, He ......... (read) his favourite book.
  • He asked me which animals I .........(see) in Africa.
    had seen
  • Nobody __________ (listen) while the teacher __________ (explain) the tenses.
    was listening / was explaining
  • Before I went to the supermarket, I.........(visit) my grandmother.
    had visited
  • I.........(swim) in the lake last Monday.