
RH G2A Frog Brings Rain

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  • What happened at the beginning of the story?
    Fire escaped and spread down the mountain toward the homes of the First People.
  • Make a sentence with the word . become.
    Own answer
  • Fill in the missing word: The dog has to .............. the bone.
    The dog has to carry the bone.
  • What does this cat do ?
    It changes clothes.
  • What was event 1?
    She asks Hunting People to take Water to Fire.
  • What was event 2?
    She asks Water People to take Water to Fire.
  • What was the problem in this story?
    First woman needed water to put out the fire after it spread.
  • Make a question using /why/ for this picture.
    Why is the ............
  • What does the sponge do?
    It absorbs water.
  • What was the solution to the problem?
    She asks Frog in his swamp. Frog sheds the water to Fire.
  • Think about a problem you had and how you came to a solution.
    Own answer
  • In the story why did Cardinal's feathers turn red?
    His feathers turned red because he flew too near the fire.
  • Fill in the missing word. The balloons ............. into the air.
    The balloons rise into the air.
  • Make a question using /what/ for this picture.
    What is on the burger? What is the burger doing?
  • Make a question using /who/ for this picture.
    Who is he?