
True or False

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  • Does a red cape make all bulls angry and attack it?
    False, Bulls are color-blind. They charge the red cape because it is moving, not because it is red.
  • Dogs, cats, mice, rats and rabbits have very good color vision.
    False, they see mostly greys and some blues and yellows.
  • Which animal doesn't need eyes to see?
    Pit viper. They use thermal vision, they go by the heat they feel..
  • Which animal can see best in the dark?
    Nope, not owls. It's the gecko and it can tell blue from grey
  • Who has super color vision?
    Bees and butterflies can see colors that we can't see. Their range of color vision extends into the ultraviolet. The leaves of the flowers they pollinate have s
  • Monkeys, ground squirrels, birds, insects, and many fish can see a fairly good range of color.
    True. In some cases it's not as good as what we humans see good color vision helps animals find food on the land or in the water.( whats a ripe fruit etc)
  • What's the gender difference in color blindness?
    1 in 5 men. Reds and greens are the most common colors that are difficult to see.