
R Jokes

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  • Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
    He was feeling crumby
  • When is a yellow book not a yellow book?
    When it is read (red)
  • Why was the broom late?
    Because it over swept
  • What is a frogs favorite drink?
    Croak a cola
  • What covered the yellow brick road with snow?
    The blizzard of Oz
  • What instrument to skeletons like to play?
  • What do you call person who designs dog houses?
    A bark-itect
  • What do you get when you cross a shark with a parrot?
    A bird that will talk your ear off.
  • Why did the french fry lose the race?
    It couldn't ketchup
  • How do you count a herd of cattle?
    With a cow-culator
  • What do bad guys eat for dessert?
  • What sickness to old dogs get?
  • Why did the dinosaur go to the doctor?
    He was feeling Jura-sick
  • Where do dogs drive their cars.
    The Barking Lot
  • What cleans the floor then comes back to you?
  • What do you call a pirate hanging on the wall?
  • Why do dogs run in circles?
    It is too hard to run in squares.
  • What kind of car does Mickey Mouse's girlfriend drive.
    A Minnie Van
  • What happened when the frog left his car in a "No Parking Zone'?
    It got Toad
  • What kind of horse only goes out at night?
    A Night Mare
  • Why can't a bike stand up by itself?
    Because it is two-tired