
5th Grade Review Fall 2021

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  • Describe him
    He is funny, brave/courageous, loud....etc. He has red hair and green eyes.
  • What time do you go to school?
    I go to school at ___________.
  • Germany is ________(cold) than Ecuador.
  • Where do you go to watch films?
    The cinema
  • What time do you eat dinner?
    I eat dinner at ___________.
  • What are they doing?
    Playing volleyball
  • What is the comparative of FAST?
  • What is he doing?
  • Describe them
    They are funny, goofy, brave/courageous, etc. They are tall. They have straight, red hair and green eyes.
  • Describe her
    She is intelligent, brave/courageous, confident, funny.....etc. She has light, curly hair, brown eyes, and she is tall.
  • What is she doing?
    Taking Photos
  • Who is bigger?
    The Elephant
  • What are TWO of your hobbies?
    My hobbies are ____________ and ____________.
  • The turtle is ______(slow) than the cheetah.
  • What is your favorite subject in school?
    My favorite subject is ____________.
  • What is he doing?
  • What time do you brush your teeth?
    I brush my teeth at ______________.
  • What is the comparative of SOFT?
  • What time do you go to sleep?
    I go to sleep at ___________.
  • What is the comparative of YOUNG?
  • Which is heavier?
    The Oranges
  • What is the comparative of GOOD?
  • Where do you go to buy food?
    The grocery store