
Year of the Tiger

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  • Who is this famous person born in year of the tiger?
    Lin Chi-ling
  • A tiger’s roar is so loud that it can be heard over (one, two, three) kilometers away.
    three (3)
  • A tiger cub will stay with its mom until it is 18 (weeks, months, years) old.
  • A baby tiger is called a (pup, kit, cub).
  • The tiger came in (2nd, 3rd, 4th) in the race
    3rd (third)
  • 2022 is the year of the ( dragon, snake, tiger).
  • Where are tigers mostly found? (North America, Europe, Asia)
  • Chinese New Year starts at the beginning of ( first / last ) new moon.
    first new moon
  • Who is this famous person born in year of the tiger?
    President Ma Ying-jeou
  • Who is this famous person born in year of the tiger?
    Terry Guo
  • What tiger is the most common? (Bengal Tigers / White Tigers)
    Bengal Tigers
  • Which animal is the largest of the big cat family?
  • Tigers are very fast animals and they are great (climbers, swimmers. runners, sleepers) too!
  • What is another name for Chinese New Year?
    Lunar New Year
  • The animals raced across the river. Which animal crossed the river first?