
What did you do?

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  • How far away should we be staying away from each other
    At least 3 feet, an arms length away.
  • You always should win when playing games, so cheat if you have to. Am I Right?
    No, wrong. Play Fair if you want people to like to play with you.
  • When should you line up after recess? When the whistle blows or whenever you feel like it.
    Shouldn't have to say this,,, WHEN THE Whistle Blows!
  • Is it okay to play in the bathroom?
  • You can sit anywhere you want in the lunchroom, right?
    No, sit in your assigned spot, and stay seated until dismissed.
  • If you are still hungry in the lunchroom, just get whatever else you want, right?
    Wrong! Raise your hand if you need something!
  • When you need to go to the bathroom, what should you do?
    Raise your hand.
  • What time do we let you in the building for breakfast?
    8:00 am
  • Who's Jobs Is it to Clean up after you are finished in the bathroom.
    You are responsible!
  • When you ride a bus should you scream?
    No, you should speak quietly so the driver can concentrate on your safety.
  • Which areas are okay for you to walk in? A. Parking lots B. Sidewalks & Crosswalks
    B. Sidewalks and Crosswalks.
  • Is it okay to be disrespectful, irresponsible and unsafe before or after school?
    Dude, you know the answer is no.
  • When is it important to keep your hands and feet to self?
  • Is it okay to jump down the stairs?
    Seriously! You don't need to ask this!
  • Why is it important to follow directions?
    This is school, that's how we learn!
  • The lunchroom has adults who need to clean up after you, right?
    You need to clean up after yourself, and be kind and respectful to our lunch workers.
  • Recess is when we get to do anything we want, right?
    Wrong. Be Respectful, Responsible and Safe!
  • Do you know where you are supposed to line up in the morning?
    Don't look at me, I don't know.
  • What should you do with the equipment used for recess? Leave it for the adults to put a way, or return it to where you go it from?
    Return it to where you got it from.
  • Why don't we run in the classroom?
    You could get hurt or hurt somebody else.
  • Why shouldn't you jump off the bus?
    You might get hurt or hurt somebody else.
  • What is the ONE loud noise that is IMPORTANT for you to make in the bathroom?
  • When walking in the hallway, should you move around the line and talk to all your friends?
    No, You need to stay in single file.
  • It is okay to scream and yell in the lunchroom, right?
    Are you kidding me! No it is wrong and disrespectful! Use inside voices
  • To be respectful is to use kind words, follow directions, and be kind to others. True or False?
  • To be safe is to keep hands and feet to self, follow all safety rules, and be careful. True or False
  • What does expectation mean?
    A belief of what someone should be doing or saying based on rules or what is normal.
  • What should you do before you leave the bathroom?
    Wash YOUR Hands for 20 seconds!
  • It is okay to tell others they can't be included.
    That is just mean.
  • Why shouldn't we run in the hallway?
    It is unsafe and someone could get hurt.
  • When you are riding a bus, should you get up out of your seat?
  • Is it okay to run in the hallway?
  • School Expectations are to be rude, reckless, and unsafe. True or False?
    False, School Expectations are to be Respectful, Responsible and Safe.
  • Throwing food is fun?
    Actually it is a waste of food and should never happen in the lunchroom.
  • The lunchroom is where we can all just do whatever we want to do, right?
    Wrong! Be respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe
  • Can you go wherever you want during recess?
    No, we have supervisors there trying to keep you safe, stay in your area.
  • When it is cold outside, is it okay to not bring a coat to school?
    You should dress for the weather, or you will be very uncomfortable outside at recess.
  • To be Responsible is to take care of your things, do your work, and be on time. True or False
  • Who's job is it to take care of your books, papers, homework, pencils...?
    Not your mom's!
  • If someone is taking too long in the bathroom, is it okay to tell them to hurry up?
    No, wait patiently.
  • Which is a big problem you should report? A. You didn't get another turn. B. Someone bumped into you on accident and apologized. C. Somebody is hurt and upset.,
    C. Someone is hurt and upset.
  • What should you do if you see a problem in the bathroom, not clean, someone being unsafe/unkind?
    Tell an adult immediately