
Past perfect practice

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  • Camila didn't have her cat. She ___________ (adopt) a new dog.
    had adopted
  • The bus _________ (leave) when I arrived.
    had left
  • Carlos _________ (take) the garbage out before his mother arrived.
    had taken
  • I thought I knew him. Maybe, I _________ (see) him before.
    had seen
  • I ________ (eat) sandwiches before.
    had eaten
  • Martha ________ (call) me before the problem started.
    had called
  • My aunt __________ (clean)  the kitchen.
    had cleaned
  • Tommy ________ (drive) cars before riding horses.
    had driven
  • Chinese people _________ (invent) gunpowder before humans found electricity.
    had invented
  • They __________ (forget) their assignments.
    had forgotten