
simple present statements

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  • translate: Eu jogo video game todos os dias.
    I play video games every day.
  • watch videos - you - question
    Do you watch videos?
  • He - play basketball - negative statement
    He doesn't play basketball.
  • watch videos - you - question
    Do you watch videos?
  • you - collect trading cards - question
    Do you collect trading cards?
  • he - watch videos - in the morning. negative
    He doesn't watch videos in the morning.
  • she - listen to music - question
    Does she listen to music?
  • very well - she - sing - affirmative
    She sings very well.
  • she - play volleyball - at school. - affirmative
    She plays volleyball at school.
  • ride a bike - you - question
    Do you ride a bike?
  • She - use her cellphone - after school - affirmative
    She uses her cellphone after school.
  • you - roller skate - question
    Do you roller skate?
  • she - read books - question
    Does she read books?
  • translate: Ele joga bola depois da escola.
    He plays soccer after class.
  • she - hang out - her friends - affirmative statement
    She hangs out with her friends.
  • he - play tennis - negative statement
    He doesn't play tennis.
  • Translate: Eu olho filme todos os sábados.
    I watch movies every Saturday.
  • she - hang out - affirmative statement
    She hangs out with her friends.
  • she - in-line skate - negative statement
    She doesn't in-line skate.
  • translate: Ela dorme muito.
    She sleeps a lot.
  • She - dance - every day - affirmative statement
    She dances every day.
  • translate: Você faz seu tema depois da escola?
    Do you do your homework after school?
  • he - sleep - negative statement
    He doesn't sleep.
  • he - play soccer - question
    Does he play soccer?