
English World 3 Unit 2

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  • Was the hen happy when Jack found it?
    No, it was sad.
  • Where did Jack live?
    He lived on a farm.
  • What did Jack use to chop down the beanstalk?
    An axe
  • Why was the brown hen unhappy in the cage?
    Because it couldn't open its wings.
  • Where did the brown hen live?
    In a small gold cage in the giant's castle.
  • What was next to the giant in the kitchen.
    There was a tiny hen.
  • Where was the giant when Jack entered the castle?
    He was in the living room.
    He was in the bedroom.
    He was in the kitchen.
    He was in one tower.
  • What was at the top of the beanstalk?
    There was a huge castle.
  • What did Jack do when he saw the beanstalk?
    He climbed up the beanstalk.
  • Who did Jack live with?
    He lived with a giant.
    He lived with his hen.
    He lived with a man.
    He lived with his mother.
  • What did Jack do to the hen?
    He opened the cage, picked the hen and climbed down the beanstalk.
  • What did the man give Jack for the cow?
    Five special beans
  • Where did Jack meet a man?
    Jack met him on a bridge.
  • How many towers were in the castle?
    There were six tall towers.
  • Why did Jack like the special beans?
    Because they were pretty colour.
  • Who lived in the castle?
    An ugly giant
  • What did mother do to the beans?
    She them out of Jack's hand.
  • What was the giant doing when Jack came?
    He was reading
    He was talking to the hen.
    He was cooking
    He was sleeping.
  • Why couldn't the giant catch Jack?
    Because Jack chopped down the beanstalk and the giant couldn't climb down.
  • Was Jack's mother happy when she saw the beans?
    No, she wasn't,
  • Where was the top of the beanstalk?
    It was above the clouds.
  • What did Jack see through his window in the morning?
    He saw a huge beanstalk next to the house.
  • What did the hen do for Jack and his mother?
    She gave them a shiny gold egg.
  • What animals lived on Jack's farm?
    One cow
  • Why did Jack's mother want to sell the cow?
    Because they were poor and didn't have money for food.
  • Where did the beans fall when mother pushed them out of Jack's hand?
    They fell on the ground.
  • What did the giant do when he woke up?
    He ran after Jack.