
3rd Grade 1st term review

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  • Draw the time on the blackboard: It's three o'clock
  • Write on the board the word animado
  • Draw the time on the blackboard: It's half past two
  • Describe the panda
    It is ....
  • Write on the board the word ballena
  • Draw the time on the blackboard: It's quarter past eleven
  • Write on the board the word ciencias
  • Flysweater: Say 5 animals
  • Mimic guess the word in 1 minute
  • Write the word Hipopótamo
  • Flysweater: Say 5 subjects
  • What time is it?
    It is....
  • Hangman: Guess the word in 2 minutes
  • Say the months of the year
  • What time is it?
    It is....
  • Draw the time on the blackboard: It's quarter to five
  • Dí los días de la semana cantando
  • What time is maths?
    Maths is at quarter past eleven
  • Write on the board the word matemáticas
  • Cómo se dice, ¿ Cómo estás?
    How are you?
  • What time is English?
    English is at half past twelve
  • Describe the tortoises
    They are....
  • Describe the tiger on the blackboard
    It is...
  • Sing a Christmas Carol
  • Mimic: Guess the word in 1 minute
  • ¿Cómo se dice, qué hora es?
    What time is it?
  • Pegunta ¿Puedo ir al baño? Cantando
    Can I go to the toilet, please?
  • What time is it?
    It is....
  • What time is it?
    It is ....
  • Write on the blackboard the number 6