
5A - HW Checking W20

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  • his parents/ see/ movie?
    Are his parents going to see a movie?
  • PRONUNCIATION: wind - blizzard - lightning - hurricane
  • My sisters/ not/ bake/ cake.
    My sisters are not going to bake a/the/some cake.
  • I/ not / clean/ room.
    I am not going to clean the room.
  • Mary/ play sports/ friends.
    Mary is going to play sports with her friends.
  • Jack/ go/ picnic/ family.
    Jack is going to go on a picnic with his family.
  • What is your family going to get ready for the sandstorm?
    My family is going to .... / We are going to ....
  • PRONUNCIATION: drOUght - clOUd - rOUgh - rOUnd
  • PRONUNCIATION: tOrnado - stOrm - strOng - snOw
  • What are you going to do if it’s rainy?
    I am going to .... / We are going to ....
  • It’s snowing. He ……………… wear a warm coat.
    is going to
    LUCKY YOU :)
  • What are you going to do in the snow?
    I am going to .... / We are going to ....
  • It usually rains more than this. I think there …………… be a drought.
    is going to
  • A sandstorm is coming. My parents …….......... get the house ready.
    are going to
  • Where are they going to go if there’s so much noise upstairs?
    They are going to .....
  • It’s hot today. I ………………… go swimming.
    am going to
  • What are your cousins going to do if there’s a flood?
    My cousins are going to ..... / They are going to ....