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  • Panda is a cute species. Panda is a rare species.
    Panda is a cute and rare species.
  • Dr. John takes care some rare animals. Dr. John doesn't know the species name.
    Dr. John takes care some rare animals, but he doesn't know the species name.
  • I don't want to be an impolite person. I need to follow the custom.
    I don't want to be an impolite person, so I need to follow the custom.
  • The hunter catch the animal. The hunter isn't rude.
    The hunter catch the animal, but he isn't rude.
  • He feels frightened. He hide behind the tree.
    He feels frightened, so he hide behind the tree.
  • The Emperor is strong. The enemies are weak.
    The Emperor is strong, but the enemies are weak.
  • The frightened rabbit run away. The frightened rabbit hide inside the bushes.
    The frightened rabbit run away and hide inside the bushes.
  • The Emperors are ready to win the war. The enemies are ready to win the war.
    The emperors and The enemies are ready to win the war.
  • In China, it's impolite to let the guess waiting. We need to learn their custom.
    In China, it's impolite to let the guess waiting, so we need to learn their custom.
  • The hunter is rude. The hunter killing the animal.
    The hunter is rude and killing the animal.