
Road to the Revolution Word Window

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  • Proclamation of 1763
    British laws that did not allow American colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Laws passed in 1774 to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party
    Intolerable Acts
  • Shooting of 5 Bostonians by British soldiers on March 5, 1770
    Boston Massacre
  • Refuse to buy certain goods or services
  • The first battle of the Revolutionary War fought in Massachusetts on April 19, 1775
    Lexington and Concord
  • Laws that governed trade beween England and its colonies
    Navigation Acts
  • American SIlversmith and patriot for his famous midnight ride to warn the colonists that the British were arriving
    Paul Revere
  • Boston Tea Party
    Protest in which Bostonians dressed as Indians and dumped British tea into the harbr
  • Men and women who joined together and protested against the Stamp Act
    Sons and Daughtes of Liberty
  • Meeting of delegates from 12 colonies in Philadelphia in Sept. 1774
    First Continental Congress
  • House of Burgesses
    Representative assembly in colonial Virginia
  • Army of citizens who serve as soldiers during time of emergency
  • Conflict between the French and British in North America between 1754-1763
    French and Indian War
  • Law passed by Parliament which taxed legal documents, newspapers, and almanacs
    Stamp Act