
Trip to Hawaii Gr 5-6

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  • What can you watch at the Polynesian Cultural Center?  폴리네시아 문화 센터에서 무엇을 볼 수 있나요?
    You can watch hula dances.
  • What does Ohana mean? 오하나가 무슨 뜻이죠?
    It means family.
  • What is the capital of Hawaii? 하와이의 수도는 어디입니까?
    It is Honolulu.
  • What can you see at the Hawaii National ______ Park? 하와이 국립 공원에서 무엇을 볼 수 있나요?
    I  can see volcanoes at Hawaii National Volcano Park.
  • Where is Amber Teacher from? 앰버 선생님은 어디 출신이죠?
    She is from Hawaii.
  • What are the famous foods in Hawaii? 하와이의 유명한 음식은 무엇입니까?
    Spam and coconut are famous Hawaii foods.
  • The Polynesian Cultural Center shows the _______ and ____ _____ of Islanders. 폴리네시아 문화 센터는 섬 주민들의 _____와 _____를 보여준다.
    culture, daily life
  • What does Hawaii mean? (큰 섬) 하와이에는 몇 개의 섬이 있습니까?
    It means Big Island.
  • Who lived in Iolani Palace? 누가 이올라니 궁전에 살았나요?
    Kings and Queens lived in the Iolani Palace.
  • What does Aloha mean? 알로하가 무슨 뜻이죠?
    It means Hello.
  • What can you do at ________ Beach? _____ 해변에서 무엇을 할 수 있나요?
    You can swim and surf at Waikiki Beach?
  • How many islands does Hawaii have? 하와이에는 몇 개의 섬이 있나요?
    It has eight islands.
  • How many stripes are in the Hawaiian flag? 하와이 국기에는 몇 개의 줄무늬가 있나요?
    There are eight stripes.
  • What does Lei mean? 레이가 무슨 뜻이죠?
    It means wreath.
  • What does Mahalo mean? 마할로가 무슨 뜻이야?
    It means Thank you.