
Blue - What's on TV?

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  • When do you watch TV?
    Student's own answers
  • What's on Green at 6 o'clock?
    Pretty Plants
  • What time is it?
    It's quarter past eight/ 8:15
  • What time is it?
    it's 12 o'clock
  • How often do you watch films?
    Student's own answers
  • At what time is Tom on TV?
    At quarter past six.
  • What's on Channel Plus at 6:30?
  • What time is it? (now)
    Student's own answers
  • Name 4 types of TV programmes
    Cartoon, comedy, sports show, the News, drama, game show, kid's show, documentary
  • What time is it?
    it's quarter to seven / 6:45
  • What's your favourite TV programme?
    Student's own answers
  • How often do you watch cartoons?
    Student's own answers
  • What time is it?
    It's half past four/4:30
  • Who do you watch TV with?
    Student's own answers.