
Growth of the Republic REVIEW

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  • Who was the owner of the Sawmill where gold was first discovered?
    John Sutter
  • What was President Polk's view on U.S. expansion?
    He encouraged westward expansion beyond the Louisiana Purchase
  • What impact did Samuel Slater have on the economy? A) His new cotton gin helped produce more textiles B) His new steam boats could transport more goods to the markets C) His new factory system allowed for an increase in manufactured goods
    C) His new factory system allowed for an increase in manufactured goods
  • __________ is the belief that the United States should expand across the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
    Manifest Destiny
  • After the Mexican War, what problem was being disputed about slavery?
    whether the new states would be slave states or free states.
  • The gold rush began in 1849. From this year on, what information can be determined about the population in San Francisco?
    The population increased rapidly because of the gold rush.
  • What type of labor (or work force) did the South mostly profit from?
    slaves working on plantations
  • From the passage below, which piece of information shows that some slaves did learn to read and write despite laws that forbid them to do so?
    Some kept business records for their masters
  • What was the North's economy based off of?
    shipping and manufacturing
  • he United States took over the land that later became New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas, and western Colorado, this became known as what?
    The Mexican Cession
  • Which area did the U.S. acquire after their war for independence from Mexico and then annexation?
    Area 4
  • What was a major reason for the Mexican War?
    Disputed territory between Texas and Mexico.
  • From the journal entry above we can conclude that they were in search of what?
    They were in search of fertile land and natural resources.
  • What was the West's economy based off of?
    Farms producing wheat and corn
  • Based on the chart below, what was one of the outcomes of the cotton gin?
    More slaves were needed for picking cotton
  • Name each of the areas of the map below?
    1. Oregon Territory 2. Mexican Cession 3. Louisiana Purchase 4. Texas Annexation
  • How did steamboat effect travel and trade?
    They allowed boats to go both up and down the river.
  • The following were factors that encouraged industrialization. What is one more factor? A immigrants on plantations B government supported businesses C cheap land on the western frontier D large urban labor supply for factories
    D large urban labor supply for factories
  • Based on the following chart, who had the most urban development?
    The North
  • When leaving from Missouri, what two physical features did the pioneers have to cross while traveling on the Oregon Trail?
    The Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains
  • Why did travelers travel along the Mormon Trail?
    to escape religious persecution.
  • Did the Northeastern United States have short, rapidly moving rivers OR long, narrow bays and inlets?
    short, rapidly moving rivers
  • Name 3 inventions that were invented during the Industrial Revolution.
    Steam boats, cotton gin, factory system, water mills, plow, etc.
  • Who created the Cotton Gin?
    Eli Whitney
  • What was the South's economy based off of?
    Cotton plantations and small tobacco farms (agriculture and slavery)
  • In addition to the Louisiana Purchas, the Texas Annexation, and Mexican Cession, what were factors that encouraged expansion?
    Discovery of Gold and Manifest Destiny
  • According to the passage above, which punishment did the slaves most fear?
    They feared having family members taken away from them.
  • In 1848 a worker at a factory in Sacramento, California, that was owned by John Sutter, discovered gold in a river. What event took place after the discovery of this gold?
    The California Gold Rush
  • What 3 things did James K. Polk accomplish as president of the United States?
    1) Settled the boundary of the Oregon Territory 2) Admitted Texas as a state 3) Acquired California and other territory in the West