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  • What does "dis" mean in the beginning of a word
  • Where might you find a tomb
  • Vesuvius was an enormous voclano that loomed or stood over pompeii. What other large object in nature looms over people?
    trees, mountains, rock formations etc.
  • The summit of Vesuvius exploded. Do you the summit is the top or the bottom of a mountain
  • What does erupt mean?
    blow up or burst
  • what is another word for abandon
    leave, ditch, give up
  • Vesuvius erupted how did day turn into night
    the dark smoke blocked out the sunlight
  • Why did Pompeii become known as the lost city
    the city was buried under 23 feet of dirt and survivors could not remember the location of the city.
  • What things can erupt
    a soda can, a chemical experiment, fireworks
  • What country was pompeii located
  • What is a tomb
    an object or place that holds bodies
  • Vesuvius was dormant because?
    It had not erupted in many years
  • What is a synonym for tremor
    shake, tremble, vibrate, quake
  • Why were the people of Pompeii disbelieving about Vesuvius erupting
    the volcano had not erupted in their lifetime
  • The eruption of vesuvius was a catastrophe because:
  • what does disbelieving mean
    not believing
  • Why did the survivors leave the city of Pompeii
    the city was covered in mud and flames
  • after vesuvius erupted a vast, dark cloud filled the sky. What does vast mean?
    enormous of very large
  • Why do you think people lived near a volcano
    maybe they didn't know what it was