
Speaking Test - S2

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  • Hurry up!
  • Please, help me.
  • Are you OK?
    I'm OK.
  • What do you see?
    I see a bee.
  • How's the weather?
    It's hot.
  • How's the weather?
    It's sunny.
  • What do you have?
    I have two arms.
  • What do you have?
    I have a mouth.
  • How's the weather?
    It's cold.
  • Is it new?
    No, it's old.
  • What do you have?
    I have a shirt.
  • What do you have?
    I have two eyes.
  • What do you have?
    I have a nose.
  • What do you have?
    I have shoes.
  • How's the weather?
    It's snowy.
  • What do you have?
    I have two legs.
  • What do you have?
    I have pants.
  • Let's share.
    Good idea.
  • What do you have?
    I have two feet.
  • How's the weather?
    It's rainy.
  • Please be quiet.
    I'm sorry.
  • It's your turn.
    Thank you.
  • What do you have?
    I have two hands.
  • What do you have?
    I have two ears.
  • How's the weather?
    It's cloudy.