
Rock and rock Types (6th)

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  • Which rock was used to make Red Fort?
    Sandstone (Sedimentary rock)
  • State the 2 qualities of Igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are _______ and ____________.
    hard and homogenous
  • When coal gets metamorphosed into ___________, its price inreases.
  • Which rocks are formed due to cooling and solidifying of lava? 
    Igneous rocks
  • Taj Mahal is made out of which rock ?
    Marble (Metamorphic rock)
  • Give examples of igneous rocks (atleast 2)
    Granite and Pumice
  • Which rock is found most in Maharashtra?
    Basalt rock
  • Give examples of Sedimentary rocks (atleast 2)
    Limestone, Sandstone, shale, corals
  • State the 2 qualities of Sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks are _______ and ____________.
    brittle and lightweight
  • We get fossils in ____________ rocks.