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  • how many / people / in your family
    How many people are there in your family?
  • What time / you / go to bed / usually
    What time do you usually go to bed?
  • what / you / do / yesterday at 7 PM
    What were you doing yesterday at 7 PM?
  • your father / have / black hair
    Does your father have black hair?/Has your father got black hair?
  • What / you / do / now
    What are you doing now?
  • you / ever / be bitten by a dog
    Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
  • what / you / do / yesterday evening
    What did you do yesterday evening?
  • what / you / do / after class
    What are you going to do after class?/What are you doing after class?
  • your mother / strict
    Is your mother strict?
  • rain / tomorrow
    Will it rain tomorrow?/Do you think it will rain tomorrow?